Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Travel Doesn't Have To Be So Stressful Around Holidays...

Traveling this holiday season? Check out this great list of holiday travel do's and don'ts. So many of these I practice in my travels all year long and they really do help make travel easier in the long run. It's all about a little preparation ahead of time and a little give-and-take while traveling:

Holiday Travel DO's
  1. SHOP EARLY: At least 4-months in advance; recently, airlines have been decreasing their flights during holiday periods, which means fewer discounts and fewer available seats.
  2. FLY OFF-PEAK DAYS: Save money, and probably a headache, by traveling on a slow day (the busiest days of the year are the Wed. before and Sun. after Thanksgiving). Flights on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are typically cheaper, but (dang it) youll miss out on all the work in the kitchen, and have to settle for simply eating the feast! (note: the busiest
  3. FLY DIRECT: It might be more expensive, but worth it (and no lost luggage)
  4. LABEL YOUR LUGGAGE CLEARLY: Sounds a little Martha Stewart, but during these busy travel times, you know SOMEONES luggage will get lost
  5. SHIP GIFTS AHEAD: Lighten your load; let UPS ship any gifts; but if you do take gifts, make sure they are unwrapped (or security will unwrap them for you).
  6. TAKE CARRY-ON LUGGAGE: Pack lightly and carry it on to save the hassle of the baggage-check line, or worse, losing your luggage
  8. READ THE TSA’S NO-NO LIST: Check here for acceptable carry on items; remember, nothing over 3-ounces, and that includes items like Snow-Globes
  9. PACK A LUNCH: Save money and eat food you like (but buy your water at the airport, after you pass through security)
  10. HAVE A BACK-UP PLAN: Research other flights on your travel day in case of cancellations/delays, and here are some useful links when youre really stuck:

Holiday Travel DON’Ts

  1. WAIT ‘TIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET TICKETS: You know who you are. And if you’re flying peak-holiday periods, shop year-round
  2. FORGET YOUR ID: Sounds obvious, but please, dont leave home without it!
  3. OVER PACK: Airlines are getting serious about charging for over-weight bags (50 lb. limit for most carriers). Do you really need all that stuff?
  4. FORGET TO CHECK YOUR FLIGHT STATUS: Check online or call the airline before you leave the house. It could save you a hassle. But the system isn’t perfect; there are times when the airline may say a flight will be 3-hours late, and then suddenly, its only a 2-hour delay, What you MUST DO is, check-in online and get your boarding pass as though the plane was leaving on time, so you wont lose your seat
  5. IGNORE THE 2-HOURS EARLY RULE: Yes, you might sit around. But isn’t that better than missing your flight? (Note to international travelers: get there 3-hours early)
  6. WEAR METAL: Don’t wear the belt-buckle or the watch that always sets off
    the X-ray machine; save yourself (and the people in line behind you) some time
  7. FORGET TO CHARGE BATTERIES: For cellphones, DVD players, laptops
  8. EXCEED THE CARRY-ON LIMIT: Another time-waster
  9. BE A SPACE-HOG: Everyone will be traveling with lots of extra bags and coats and gifts; use the space under the seat in front of you. Some airlines may offer roomier seats for purchase (if available); if thats what you need, buy it
  10. GO CRAZY: A little holiday spirit goes a long way; remember, everyone, even the pilot, is anxious to get home for the holidays
Check out comments other have made and other suggestions from readers here.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post. It’s really a very good article. I noticed all your important points. Thanks

    Travel Advise
