Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stories from the inside...

So, everyone likes to hear the weird stuff, the odd stuff, off the wall stuff that really happens. I'm sure in this line of business we'll come across plenty and yesterday I believe we had our first from a new client. We had a request from a client who is traveling through Australia and New Zeland to find out where they can eat Tasmanian Devil. Yup, that's right, that "cute" little critter with a mean attitude.

Being a personal concierge service, no request is beyond us to make our clients happy so we must sometimes set aside personal preferences and ideas to serve our clients professionally. While we will do what it takes to make our clients happy, we must also abide by laws and our own moral compass. Now, knowing that customs and food eaten around the world are very different than what we are accustomed to here in the United States, we kept an open mind in researching this request. Who knows? Maybe this is a meat normally eaten in the region... maybe it's an exotic meet like Americans might consider ostrich. Nevertheess, we continue with the request.

Come to find out, Tasmanian Devil has been an endangered species since 2008 (due to widespread disease) so we had to inform the client of this fact and let the client know it would be against the law to eat such meat. Furthermore, we did in fact try to see if it was a meat eaten in the past but we found no evidence of that. In the end we wound up suggesting different meats and fruits that were specialties of each region the client was traveling through to taste. It may not be as exciting but I'm sure it will all be quite tasty and a great experience nonetheless.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Here are some hilarious true travel stories

Travelers' Tales - Budget Travel

We love quiet babies on airplanes!

Why does everyone hate your baby?

A very good article from Budget Travel (their article name, not mine) about how best to travel with your baby or child. The solution to a crying baby during take off and landing is really very simple! Give them something to suck on...

Get Through Airport Security Faster

How to Get Through Airport Security Faster - Budget Travel

Some tips and tricks to make your trip through quicker and less painful.... now just if all the other idiots around you would read this too...

Hello and Welcome!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to our new travel blog. It is my hope to post interesting, informative, and money saving tips for travel. We all enjoy it and whether we do not have the money or the time or both, we should all get out there and explore what is beyond our back yards. There is a whole world out there to see and only so long in which to see it. So stay tuned for new information and cool stuff...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to the Luxe Travel Blog

Welcome the the Luxe Personal Concierge Travel Blog. Follow this blog to keep up to date on the latest travel news and to get answers of any travel advisories. It's a great way to stay informed and to ensure the best vacation for YOU!